
Oct 1, 2016
What is Reiki? My Personal Experience with Healing Energy
On Saturday, I hit a milestone. I had five of my family members come over for a night of food, drinks, and fun. Amy did tarot readings...

Sep 20, 2016
What is the Autumnal Equinox and Why Is It So Important?
Fall is by far my favorite season. In an odd way, I’ve always thought of fall as being the start of a new year, rather than the calendar...

Sep 13, 2016
Why I Love Reading Tarot Under the Moon
I love to read tarot outside whenever possible. One look at my surroundings this past weekend and I was in bliss! I had the element...

Sep 6, 2016
6 Types of Psychic Abilities and How They Work
Psychic abilities, also called “the clairs,” are different ways that mediums, psychics, and intuitives interact and interpret different...